Monday, October 20, 2008

Starting with Google Desktop Gadget API

So now you have decided to start making something of your own, a good decision. So what you need to do now is make sure you have installed Google Desktop by this time and the latest release. Otherwise download Google Desktop. Google desktop download for Mac user's and Linux user's.

Some pre-conditions before programming your own gadget are that you know at least the basic of JavaScript and are familiar with the XML syntax and have XHTML knowledge will make it easier. Otherwise a good resource to learn more about these 3 techniques are at w3schools.

Download the Google Desktop SDK, you'll need that one. Unpack the SDK somewhere. Then read the documentation for Gadget API. Follow the tutorials, Modifying Hello World and Using gadget designer is the most important ones to start with.

When you are finished with that it's important to continue reading and understand the API overview with instructions for creating the files that's needed for a desktop gadget, look at the document Creating a Gadget.
It's probably very value for Mac users that you make your gadgets supported Mac platforms if possible, read Writing a Cross-Platform Gadget.
It's good with Guidelines for gadgets to improve the overall quality , read the Gadget Design and Testing Guidelines.

Have a look at the Gadget API reference, that one is always good to have open while programming. The SDK comes with several examples, they are a good resource. Good luck now with your start.

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